the brews
The rock star of the day will be the Pumpkin flavored craft brews accompanied by farm house flavors, fresh hops, wet hops, saisons and more to give your palette an autumnal explosion of over 40+ Fall/Winter seasonal concoctions. Pocket of taps will be scattered through the venue with coveted brews popping up in unexpected corners like the Ale Apothecary, Headless Horsemen Hideaway and Jack-O’s Tavern.
Our team is working hard to curate an amazing selection of varietals. More beers will be added to the list daily!
This is one party you don’t want to be late for! The fest kicks it up a notch with the ultimate keg tapping as rivers of beer flow straight into your commemorative cup from the over 1000lb giant pumpkin keg.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

6.0% ABV

15% ABV

6.0% ABV

5% ABV

7.6% ABV

5% ABV

5.3% ABV

6.7% ABV

6.2% ABV

8/3% ABV

6% ABV

5% ABV

It mellows out the hops and adds Bourbon notes in the beer. Alcohol does increase a bit over original Bifrost.
8.9% ABV

8.4% ABV

9.25% ABV

banana acai and berries
5% ABV